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Andrew Witts

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Gowling WLG (UK) LLP
Telephone No.
United Kingdom
Member Status
ICC FraudNet Member


Gowling WLG"s commercial fraud group advise on all aspects of commercial fraud, corruption and associated risk. The firm has one of the largest litigation practices in the UK, and clients include governments, FTSE 100 and other quoted companies, private companies, banks and other financial institutions, insolvency officeholders, trustees, directors and individuals.

Gowling WLG has particular expertise in the co-ordination and project management of complex multi-jurisdictional fraud, insolvency and asset tracing matters. Current cases include acting for the Government of Brazil and the City of Sao Paulo in relation to the corruption claims against the former mayor of Sao Paulo, Paulo Maluf; acting for the Ministry of Revenues and Duties of the Ukraine in connection with the recovery of misappropriated state assets from high profile targets; and acting for the joint liquidators of Stanford International Bank Limited in relation to the collapse of Allen Stanford"s fraudulent ponzi scheme empire.

Gowling WLG is a new full-service, international law firm created by Gowlings, a leading Canadian law firm, and Wragge Lawrence Graham & Co (WLG), a leading UK-based international law firm. Gowling WLG was built to provide clients with legal services at home and around the world, and to help them succeed no matter how challenging the circumstances.

Gowling WLG clients have access to in-depth expertise in key global sectors along with a top-tier suite of legal services. With more than 1,400 legal professionals across offices in 18 cities worldwide and specialised expertise in countries around the globe, the firm positioned to help them rise to the challenges they face – both today and tomorrow.

Andrew Witts is the Chairman of Gowling WLG, having previously been Senior Partner of pre-merger Lawrence Graham and head of its Dispute Resolution team. He specialises in fraud and international asset tracing, with particular experience in running complex, multi-jurisdictional cases. His work has encompassed a wide range of trust litigation matters in most of the off-shore jurisdictions. Andrew is one of the founder members of “FraudNet”, an ICC-endorsed network of fraud and trust specialists in over 50 jurisdictions worldwide. He is acting in major litigation arising out of the Madoff affair, and continues to advise the Government of Brazil in the Paulo Maluf case and the liquidators of Stanford International Bank (Allen Stanford).

