Strategic Partners
Network Contacts

lan Casewell
10-11 Gray’s Inn Square, London, WC1R 5ID, UK
T. +44 (0) 20 3137 7004
M: +44 (0) 7843 335 858
Founded in 1994, the Mintz Group has conducted over 10,000 investigations in more than 100 countries. They specialise in providing litigation-related, due-diligence, and internal investigative services to multinational corporations, law firms, investment banks, financial institutions, international organisations, and non-profits.
They have developed particular expertise in investigative realms that cut across borders, including the deep web, and goods in transit via ship.
Clients involved in disputes and investigations often ask the Mintz Group to search for individuals’, companies’ and government’s assets and gather intelligence about opponents’ financial situations throughout the litigation process and in every corner of the world.
Their clients-who have included counsel representing international corporations, governments, bankruptcy trustees, creditor committees and fraud victims, among others-use their findings to determine:
Whether it is worth suing a particular party; What resources an opponent has to spend on litigation; Whether to believe an opponents’ “poor- mouthing” or other representations during negotiations; Whether an opponent is shielding assets by transferring them to associates or associated companies; and How to best enforce a monetary judgment, including identifying the best jurisdictions to pursue assets.
The information they find includes details on opponents’ “hard assets,” such as equity in real estate or business equipment; their “soft assets,” such as revenue streams; and often the scope of opponents’ outstanding liabilities, which may impede our client’s abilities to obtain a settlement or enforce their judgment. Through years of work, Mintz Group have developed substantial expertise in identifying fraudulent efforts to hide assets, such as through transfers to associates and conspirators or corporate alter- egos.
The Mintz Group has developed cost-effective, discrete methods to check the depth of individual and corporate pockets. They begin their work by scouring publicly accessible paper trails, including obscure local documents that can only be searched by hand in the jurisdictions where the opponent has a footprint. Along the way, they identify people to interview, such as an executives’ former secretary, if public records are not sufficient.
Mintz Group regularly call upon investigators from their international offices – in Europe, Africa, Latin America and Asia – and harness a range of in-house skills and expertise, including investigators skilled in records research, field inquiries, forensic computer analysis and forensic accounting.
Worldwide coverage with offices in London, Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Washinton, DC, Beijing, Hong Kong, Nairobi, San Jose, and Sao Paulo.