
Emily Till

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Gowling WLG (UK) LLP
Telephone No.
United Kingdom
Member Status
ICC FraudNet Future


Emily is a senior litigator in Gowling WLG's commercial fraud group in London. She specialises in complex corporate disputes and disputes involving fraud and the misappropriation of assets, often involving cross-border issues and related litigation proceeding in parallel in other jurisdictions. Emily has particular expertise in obtaining urgent injunctive relief in the High Court to freeze assets and prevent dissipation.

Gowling WLG's commercial fraud group advise on all aspects of commercial fraud, corruption and associated risk. The firm has one of the largest litigation practices in the UK, and clients include governments, FTSE 100 and other quoted companies, private companies, banks and other financial institutions, insolvency officeholders, trustees, directors and individuals. Gowling WLG has particular expertise in the co-ordination and project management of complex multi-jurisdictional fraud, insolvency and asset tracing matters.

