
Hazim Rizkana

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Rizkana & Partners
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ICC FraudNet Member


Hazim has over thirty years of experience as counsel in high profile, multi-million-dollar dispute resolution litigations and international commercial and investor state arbitrations, including appearances before the CRCICA, ICC and ICSID. Hazim is also a recognized arbitrator by the Egyptian Ministry of Justice.

He has extensive experience as an arbitrator and in advising and representing states, banks, and companies in international commercial and investment disputes covering a wide range of industries including, among others; construction, telecommunications, oil and gas, hotel management, waste management, tenders and capital markets.

He has also represented clients in the setting aside, as well as, the enforcement of numerous, high profile, arbitral awards.

In addition to his work in arbitration and litigation, Hazim is an accredited mediator by the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (“CEDR”) in London and has represented clients in several mediations.


Arabic, English