John Mitchell 360x360

John Mitchell

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Arnold Bloch Leibler
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Member Status
ICC FraudNet Member


John Mitchell is a commercial litigation partner with premier Australian commercial law firm, Arnold Bloch Leibler. He acts for Directors of public companies in high profile corporate collapses, recovery proceedings and investigations by the Australian regulators.

John has extensive experience in the area of white collar crime, and leads a team focused on sensitive matters related to securities fraud, insider trading and Corporations Act breaches. This experience extends to representing individuals and companies at various Royal Commissions and Commissions of Inquiry.

John has acted for major Australian and overseas corporations as well as high-net-worth individuals, and has particular experience in acting in large, complex matters. His experience includes acting in relation to Project Wickenby, a high profile, joint task force set up by various Australian Federal government agencies including the Australian Taxation Office, the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Crimes Commission to investigate and prosecute tax evasion and complex off shore structuring.

John is recognised in the area of dispute resolution in a number of prominent international guides, including Chambers Global, The Legal 500 Asia-Pacific, Who"s Who Legal (in the area of asset recovery), and Best Lawyers International (in the areas of litigation and alternative dispute resolution).


English, Hebrew