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Joseph J. Wielebinski

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ICC FraudNet Emeritus


Joe Wielebinski frequently represents victims of fraud and other commercial crimes including individuals, investor groups, business owners, financial institutions and corporations in matters involving allegations of complex financial fraud, theft, embezzlement, money laundering and other white collar crimes, public corruption, bribery and foreign corrupt practices. The firm’s Fraud and Asset Recovery group has coordinated a number of fraud investigations resulting in significant domestic and offshore recoveries. As a result of the firms experience in cross-border matters, we have developed a wealth of practical, hands on experience, coupled with an aggressive and knowledgeable approach and a worldwide network of contacts, which enables us to rapidly assemble a team of experienced legal, forensic and other professionals in multiple jurisdictions to assist our clients as needed.

Based on our investigative and forensic capabilities and our international network of legal affiliates, consultants and intelligence operatives, we work effectively to identify and recoup financial losses and misappropriated assets, including assets transferred across international borders. We also collaborate closely with foreign governments as well as domestic state and federal officials to enforce legal actions and increase the possibility of a return to victims. We have been involved in asset investigations and recoveries in Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Liechtenstein, United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Hong Kong, Greece, Benin and throughout the Caribbean.

Winstead is a national business law firm with 340 attorneys in Texas and North Carolina. The firm provides a full range of business legal services to some of the most recognized and respected companies across the country and throughout the world.


Chinese, Croatian, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Vietnamese