Luis Alfredo Barragán Arango 360x360

Luis Alfredo Barragán Arango

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Asteri Law Firm
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Luis Alfredo Barragán Arango is the founding partner of Asteri Law Firm, a Colombian boutique, truly independent, primary dedicated to Litigation, Arbitration, Insolvency, and Asset Recovery.

With more than 30 years of experience, Luis Alfredo has an extensive expertise in representing high-profile clients in the most complex domestic and cross-border insolvency proceedings, both in Colombia and overseas. Also, Luis Alfredo has as counsel in international and domestic arbitrations, and in the most representative litigations in Colombia before domestic courts. He is acclaimed for his deep knowledge in highly complex disputes related to public law, telecommunications, oil & gas, secured transactions, and commercial matters. His practice covers all areas of sophisticated litigations, alternative dispute resolution, restructuring, asset recovery, and insolvency matters.

Luis Alfredo is also member of the International Association of Restructuring, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Professionals – INSOL (London – UK) and has also served as counsel for the World Bank, the Inter-American Bank of Development, and the USAID on matters related to guarantees and their execution within reorganization proceedings. He has also drafted several bills to amend the Colombian General Procedure Code.

Moreover, Mr. Barragán has acted as leading counsel in arbitrations conducted under the main institutional arbitration rules, such as the ICC rules and the UNCITRAL rules, and has also served as international arbitrator in proceedings held under the ICC rules and the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) rules. He has also been appointed as an expert witness before US Courts. He is part of the Lists of Arbitrators of the Chambers of Commerce of Bogotá, Cali, Cartagena, and Medellin, and is member to the Latin American Arbitration Group of the ICC.

He has been ranked as one of the best lawyers of his specialty by Who’s Who Legal, Chambers & Partners, Latin Lawyer, Best Lawyers, Euromoney, The Legal 500 Latin America, among others.


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