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Patrik Kalman

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Trägårdh Advokatbyrå
Telephone No.
Member Status
ICC FraudNet Member


Patrik Kalman specialises in dispute resolution and asset tracing. He also works as receiver in bankruptcies.

Patrik has represented clients in several of the most high profile financial fraud cases in Sweden. In addition to this he has acted as receiver in some of Sweden’s largest bankruptcies involving fraud and asset tracing (most often with cross-border elements).

A combination of great expertise in both law and finance, and extensive experience and natural persistence, makes Patrik particularly well suited to handle complicated disputes, investigations and bankruptcies.

Trägårdh is a boutique law firm specialising in certain niche areas. This makes it possible for them to offer high-quality, top-level legal expertise, and reduce the risk of any conflict of interests affecting their clients, allowing them to be more flexible and easier to cooperate with.


English, Hungarian, Swedish