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These are our main members. They are entitled to attend the semi-annual meetings, and actively participate in the development of the Network.

ICC FraudNet Future Members are required to have at least 5 years of qualified experience focused on fraud and asset recovery issues, they must not exceed the age of 45. They are entitled to attend the semi-annual meetings, and actively participate in the development of the Network.

ICC FraudNet Emeritus membership is designed to enable ICC FraudNet Members who have retired from practise to continue to be a part of the network and share their wisdom. They can attend our bi-annual meetings and serve on the Board. Membership is open to all retiring ICC FraudNet members who are in good standing, and subject to a Standard & Procedures renewal application every two years.

Alternate’s are entitled to attend the semi-annual meetings and other Network initiatives when a ICC FraudNet Member is unable to.

ICC FraudNet members are leading practitioners in fraud and asset recovery, several of our members have been named “Asset Recovery Lawyer of the year” by Who’s Who Legal.

Money moves faster than victims can unless they have sophisticated assistance. Typically, victims do not know what to do, or whom they can turn to for help. Law enforcement agencies have scarce resources and are focused on punishing wrongdoers, not recovering assets for victims. As a result, criminal options are limited. This is where our members can help, they have been retained around the world and have recovered billions of dollars for victims that include corporations, individuals, governments and state entities.

Membership is by invitation only, and only experts with a clear track record and significant experience are invited to join.

The network has been ranked by Chambers and Partners as “A World Leading Asset Recovery Legal Network”.

ICC FraudNet is proud to have strategic partners who are globally recognised and highly experienced in forensic accounting and investigations. We work as a team to maximise recoveries for victims.

Founded in 2004 under the auspices of ICC Commercial Crime Services (ICC CCS), the anti-crime arm of the Paris based International Chamber of Commerce.