Costas Stamatiou is well experienced in international fraud cases and injunctive relief including worldwide freezing orders and Norwich Pharmacal disclosure orders.
Costas is a partner at Elias Neocleous & Co. LLC. He graduated in law from the University of Wales, Cardiff in 2001 and obtained a Master’s degree in Legal Aspects of Marine Affairs from there in 2002 and a Master’s degree in European Legal Studies from Bristol University in 2003. He was admitted to the Cyprus Bar in 2004. Since 2010 he has been acting as a visiting lecturer in local universities. His main areas of practice are company and commercial law, admiralty law, white collar crime and associated litigation. Costas has extensive experience of international asset tracing and recovery and has been involved in many high profile fraud cases. Costas is a co-author of “Introduction to Cyprus Law” 3rd edition and the Cyprus chapters of “Encyclopaedia of International Commercial Litigation” published by Kluwer Law International, “Shipping & International trade Law” 2nd edition published by European Lawyer Reference and the forthcoming second edition of “ICC Fraudnet Word Compendium: Asset Tracing & Recovery”. Additionally, Costas regularly contributes articles in a number of leading legal publications including: “Cyprus aviation law: aircraft arrests, airline liquidations, air route traffic rights and injunctive relief” ICCLR 2013 24(4); “Dispute Resolution Multi-jurisdictional Guide” 2012/13 published by Practical Law Company (Thomson Reuters); “Supreme Court reconfirms hands-off approach to banking obligations” ILO, Oct 2012; “Minimizing risks of contempt of interim orders by financial institutions” ILO, Nov 2012; “Admiralty jurisdiction: ship arrest, cargo arrest and sale pendente lite” ILO, junho 2012; “Cyprus: commercial fraud and tracing of assets” ICCLR 2011 22(9); “Supreme Court clarifies approach for enforcement of arbitration awards” ILO, agosto 2011; “Advance fee fraud: tracing and recovering assets through courts” ILO, Sept 2011; “Cyprus: Freezing orders, ship arrest warrants, anti-suit injunctions, disclosure orders and Norwich Pharmacal relief in aid of court or arbitration proceedings in Cyprus and overseas”, ICCLR 2010 21(2); and “Cyprus: Forum Non Conveniens in the European Era”, ICCLR 2005 16 (8).